The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #148353   Message #3445651
Posted By: MGM·Lion
02-Dec-12 - 07:07 AM
Thread Name: BS: Stop Gun Crime. Leaflet WH Smiths.
Subject: RE: BS: Stop Gun Crime. Leaflet WH Smiths.
I don't play video or computer games ~~ never have. I am sure I should find them intensely boring. But it is my impression, from tv ads &c, that every one of them appears to involve war &/or slaughter of some kind? Is this a true impression? If so, would it be beyond anybody's wit to invent some that would be enjoyable to play, but are not so themed and orientated? There was, after all, to take the analogy of board games, Ludo before there was Cluedo [whose name is of course a play on the more traditional game's name]; and Scrabble exists alongside the aggressiveness of Monopoly, which does not involve war, exactly, but its analogue in the [largely crooked~~ "Go to Jail: go immediately to jail; do not pass Go; do not collect $200"} shenanigans of the financial world.
