The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #148382   Message #3446043
Posted By: GUEST,Eliza
03-Dec-12 - 05:00 AM
Thread Name: BS: OK Folks, It's Flu Shot Time
Subject: RE: BS: OK Folks, It's Flu Shot Time
Oh Janie, you're so right! I walk around our city (Norwich UK) and people sneeze a great big AAAACHHHOOOOO! with no hanky and no hand over the mouth, turning their heads in all directions to make sure that most of us receive the maximum dose of whatever they've got. I've got to the stage where I'm tempted to go up to them and remonstrate, but my husband holds me back. He's much more polite and reserved than I am. I absolutely hate it, and on the bus of course the germs are floating about the whole journey. Grooooo! And (rant continues!) in our superstore Tesco's, the checkout lady coughed copiously all over our food as it travelled along the conveyor belt towards her. In this instance, I had to speak out, after all it was our food she was contaminating. She was quite huffy and cross, and proceeded to lick her finger to get some bags. I told her off about that too. I'm turning into a right old curmudgeon, but I just don't want to be ill, and it's sheer ignorance not to cover the mouth when coughing or sneezing! (Oh I do feel better now, having had a good old moan!)