The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #148378   Message #3446349
Posted By: Nigel Paterson
03-Dec-12 - 04:31 PM
Thread Name: cannot afford to continue...
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
Mudcat is unique & it's survival is essential. It has enriched my life; introduced me to many wise, funny, compassionate people. Mudcatters have consoled me, advised me, made me laugh & cry, but above all, they have been there, frequently with complete disregard for their own problems & worries. I have a group of Friends spread around the globe who I love & trust. They are a true extension of my Family & to live without them would be unthinkable.
       Thank you Max & all the good Folk who help you. I've sent what I can afford; I hope it helps,
       Most Sincerely,