The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #148432   Message #3446440
Posted By: gnu
03-Dec-12 - 07:47 PM
Thread Name: BS: Rudolph the Reindeer is dead!!!!
Subject: RE: BS: Rudolph the Reindeer is dead!!!!
But, now that Rudy snuffed out, will Olive get a chance to lead the sleigh? I'll bet not! Glass ceiling or WHAT? It's terrible that does have been kept down in in the workshops and elsewhere while bucks are promoted just because of their facial features and the fact that they are dicks... ahhh... have dicks.

It's time for the doe deers of this world to unite and put the hooves to the establishment! Unionize and kick Santa in the clause and negotitae a better contract! Jolly elf my ass. Let's see him deal with a court writ on sexual discrimiantion! HO HO HO THAT motherfucker! Are you with me sisters and brothers?

BIG MICK! We got a union to organize!