The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #148408   Message #3446464
Posted By: Janie
03-Dec-12 - 08:47 PM
Thread Name: BS: 'Asperger's' Out, 'DMDD' In...
Subject: RE: BS: 'Asperger's' Out, 'DMDD' In...
999 - I don't have any problem with diagnosing or putting a diagnostic label on a condition - just was commenting because I see people who have difficulty understanding that who they are is not the same thing as what diagnoses or conditions they may have. That is true of a lot of diagnoses, not just psychiatric diagnoses.

I think I disagree, Stim, though will wait until the DSM-V comes out, when I can read and study the diagnostic criteria and specifiers. Autistic/pervasive developmental issues do present along and across a broad spectrum of severity, deficits, and unusual abilities. No decent treatment team or clinician applies a "one size fits all" approach in providing treatment or in developing a treatment plan.