The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #148368   Message #3447150
Posted By: Steve Shaw
04-Dec-12 - 08:37 PM
Thread Name: BS: Palestine welcomed into the UN fold
Subject: RE: BS: Palestine welcomed into the UN fold
Well I could agree with much of that. Rotten regimes tend to founder on their own corruption in the end. Unless they see the light and change radically, of course. This applies as much to the bloated US as much as it applies to Israel (yes, and plenty others, just in case I'm accused of hopeful bias). In the end the people of Gaza and the people of Israel will lose patience with their hubristic regimes. Politicians are pretty good at not letting their people see reality but it will always show through in the end. There's only so long that you will put up with having your homes razed, your family slaughtered or your nights spent cowering in a bunker. Unfortunately, as with Gaddafi and Mubarak, and Assad ongoing, it comes with a horrid jolt sometimes. It's much better to talk. To put the demonisation on the back burner, scrap the testosterone and think about the people whose suffering you are perpetuating. If you don't, they will get you first. They might put a bullet up your arse (Gaddafi), tear you to pieces (Ceaușescu) or hang you upside down from a lamp-post (Mussolini). That's history, innit. It'll get you in the end.