The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #148432   Message #3447620
Posted By: gnu
05-Dec-12 - 03:04 PM
Thread Name: BS: Rudolph the Reindeer is dead!!!!
Subject: RE: BS: Rudolph the Reindeer is dead!!!!
Lappland? That is a simply a tourist business with actors. I am talkin bout the REAL Sandy Clause. I saw his cabin and saw him splittin firewood. He was stripped to the waist... just black CAF grunt issue boots (he was an F-101 Voodoo pilot - go figure, eh? - at CFB Chatham, NB and later flew choppers when they got rid of the Voodoos),red checked pants held up by suspenders and that silly hat. When he spotted us, he ran for his cabin and Dale floored it and made a cloud of dust! He then jammed the truck as far in the woods as he could and just in the Nicholas of time. Sandy cracked a few 303's down the road into the dust but we were out out the line of fire.

Jolly old elf my ass. That is one mean Good Ol Boy ya don't wanna mess wit sonny bubbles!

I figure he's got a grow-op onna go an that there ruse about toys for kiddies is a cover fer his real cash flow. I mean, he flies by night, right?