The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #148432   Message #3447752
Posted By: gnu
05-Dec-12 - 07:13 PM
Thread Name: BS: Rudolph the Reindeer is dead!!!!
Subject: RE: BS: Rudolph the Reindeer is dead!!!!
LH... you only read the ones on the old threads and in my PMs (and the odd one lately). The stuff I would never post on the net is far... ahhhh... far more unbelievable and it's all true. Like I said... no shit... that lad is hard enough ya could drive him inta solid ground. And, he is relatively "mild" since he became a daddy.

For anyone who is just now reading about Dale... I do not associate with such persons. He was a neighbour of mine and I had to live and let live. Get along or get gone, I always say. I sold my camps for various reasons and Dale was one of them.