The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #148472   Message #3447822
Posted By: Bobert
05-Dec-12 - 10:08 PM
Thread Name: BS: Cat Issue Advice Needed...
Subject: BS: Cat Issue Advice Needed...
We have 3 cats... Two live outside or in the garage... One is an inside cat and he thinks he owns the joint so...

...he thinks that any door that is closed at night while we sleep is game for clawing at the carpet in front of that door and so claw he does...

We started with holding his nose in the torn up carpet and then pounding him with newspaper... His response??? "Big deal, ya'll... Ya'll need anger management"...

So this time we tried squirting him with water...

Yeah, he's pissed right now... Who cares???

The main thing is changing his behavior...

Any additional ideas???
