The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #148500   Message #3448552
Posted By: Amos
07-Dec-12 - 08:59 AM
Thread Name: BS: Wikipedia Puzzles
Subject: RE: BS: Wikipedia Puzzles
I have wrestled with dozens of Wiki chains that led me in over my head, but I always valued the understanding I COULD glean and the pointers to remedy the overwhelm.

To have an opinion worth anything, you have to have SOME understanding, though. At the least you should be able to say why a piece is hard to understand. For example, mathematicians often write papers on mathematical concepts, and somehow feel compelled to use scores of abstruse mathematical terms which they do not define well, requiring the learner to go from page to page to page trying to fill in the backstory and vocabulary needed to understand the first piece. This is not an unavoidable problem.