The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #148479   Message #3448713
Posted By: GUEST,sciencegeek
07-Dec-12 - 12:45 PM
Thread Name: BS: Fiscal Cliff & th GOP
Subject: RE: BS: Fiscal Cliff & th GOP
Right now, the major "source" of Democratic power and might is the fact that way more than 50% of the American public - and that includes a number of the 2 percenters- feel the need to restore equity into the system.

The tax code has been worked over any number of times to ensure that the rich not only stay rich, but they get to get richer....

Well, there's only so much "wealth" to go around, so their gain is OUR LOSS! Many of the working poor are ready to go over the cliff - because a "bad deal" means that they get stuck with the bill... while the fat cats get fatter.

It's when people start to feel that there's nothing left to lose that things can get out of hand and well, look out... because good judgement may go over the cliff first.