The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #148378   Message #3448924
Posted By: gnu
07-Dec-12 - 05:17 PM
Thread Name: cannot afford to continue...
Subject: RE: cannot afford to continue...
Okay, okay. Let's slow down on the donations, eh? I mean, if people just keep sending in money willy-nilly, Spaw won't need to come in here like he did on other passed fund raisers and kick some ass. Trust me, it's fun. He has a unique way of kicking ass.

Hmmm... an auction? Highest bidder gets Spaw to deliver a serious ass kickin in the winning bidder's name to all the deadbeats who "use" this sight and can afford to donate a donut or two but don't ?

Yeahhhh... I agree... dumb idea. Spaw will do it anyway if he feels the need. Soooo, donate outright and bid in the auction as per your ability and as per your appreciation of the BEST, bar none, site on the internet. The musical community is top notch and the freedom of speech Max is dedicated to preserving, both above and below the line, at many costs to him over these years of his service to all of us, in the way he does, is unequalled as far I know.