The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #148487   Message #3449224
Posted By: Steve Gardham
08-Dec-12 - 10:21 AM
Thread Name: Christie's Traditional Ballad Airs d/l
Subject: RE: Folklore: Christie's Traditional Ballad Airs d/l
Surely it doesn't hurt to warn the unwary about the vagaries of much of the material from this region in the 19th century. I thought we'd got past having to add IMHO at the end of every sentence but if not then, mudfairy, please add it to my posting. Jim already knows this but, Jack, I am not spouting off the top of my head. I have carried out extensive comparative studies on PB's work. Of course it is extremely difficult to prove forgeries at such a chronological remove. BUT I throw the ball back to you, what proof have you that the material came from oral tradition in that form? Even their staunchest supporters admit that PB and others of the same ilk interfered with the material. The ONLY thing in contention is how much they interefered. I happen to be at the opposite end of the spectrum to these supporters. I am simply a truth-seeker, and will continue with my detailed researches. I will eventually publish. Currently my belief is that PB was just the tip of the iceberg.