The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101515   Message #3449421
Posted By: GUEST,Philippa
08-Dec-12 - 04:20 PM
Thread Name: King Coal Dumping on Jean Ritchie and ALL OF US!
Subject: RE: King Coal Dumping on Jean Ritchie and ALL OF US!
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Subject: Save Blair Mountain from dirty coal companies
Dear Friend,

Historic Blair Mountain, the site of one of the largest labor uprisings in U.S. history, in 1921, is under assault by the coal industry.

Coal companies want to use explosives to destroy Blair Mountain through a process called mountaintop removal mining -- the most destructive form of coal mining there is.

West Virginia Governor Earl Ray Tomblin has the power to save Blair Mountain, but so far has refused to use it.

Tell West Virginia Governor Earl Ray Tomblin: Save Blair Mountain from dirty coal companies.