The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #148487   Message #3449785
Posted By: Mick Pearce (MCP)
09-Dec-12 - 12:07 PM
Thread Name: Christie's Traditional Ballad Airs d/l
Subject: RE: Christie's Traditional Ballad Airs d/l
As the OP, my reason for looking for Christie was to look up a reference in it, to do with the RVW song request elsewhere. The song titled Come Kitty Will You Marry Me was (and still is) proving elusive and I was looking at songs with will you marry me (ignoring the name) in the Roud index. Christie was one of the references (Kitty Will You Marry Me). Even if Christie was of doubtful provenance as a record of oral tradition, it wouldn't necessarily stop it being a source of tune or words that appeared elsewhere (ie later) and might be collected. (Songs have transferred from various sources into the mouths of traditional singers). In this case I wanted to see if the tune bore any relation to the RVW tune.

Christie, authentic or not, is referred to by other writers and I like to be able to see what's there when they do.
