The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #147879   Message #3449939
Posted By: GUEST
09-Dec-12 - 07:49 PM
Thread Name: 2013 Moira Furnace Folk Festival
Subject: RE: 2013 Moira Furnace Folk Festival
Moira in 2009 was the fourth weekend in August as the fifth weekend was a bank holiday weekend monday being the 31st

there are indeed five weekends in august in 2014 but the last weekend is not the bank holiday the 31 is the sunday the point being

all the moira festivals so far are the week before the bank holiday (so far) and all the whitehorse festivals are the following week after Sidmouth finishes

Sidmouth dates are always from the first Monday in August which is why sometimes the start of Sidmouth festival friday is in July and other times the first friday is in August

Moira 2010 was technically the third weekend but effectively the fourth as the first of august was a Sunday (depends if you say a weekend is just the saturday or if it has to include the Sunday as well)

in 2011 the first Monday from when Sidmouth runs was 1 August which meant

that White horse ran on the second and Moira was on the third weekend

2012 clashed so will 2013 and 2014 as i previously said

unless one festival changes its date, the next year where they won't clash will be 2015

moira has so far always been the weekend before the bank holiday
whitehorse/grove is always the weekend that follows a week after the final friday of Sidmouth.

if its irrespective of when it falls, i hope the committee stick to the current pattern in 2015
as Whitehorse/grove will be 14 15 16 August and Moira will be 21 22 23 so i can do both again- which is exactly the same as the 2009 dates

warmest regards cllr