The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #147734   Message #3450064
Posted By: Don(Wyziwyg)T
10-Dec-12 - 07:49 AM
Thread Name: BS: Vilnai: inflict a 'shoah' on Gaza
Subject: RE: BS: Vilnai: inflict a 'shoah' on Gaza
""It is certain from any cursory consideration of the casualty figures that IDF is trying to spare civilians while Hamas tries to kill as many as possible.
Why do you not care when the victims are only Jews?

Hamas manages twenty in ten years, and Israeli kills are in the thousands over the same period. Israeli claims that they are mostly militants are extremely suspect, since they can't actually know, and their policy is "they are all terrorists!"

And there's that persistent little LIE again.

Why is it that you never answer questions with real evidence, simply repeating your tired old mantra, and attacking the questioner/

Go on, try something new......IF you have answers, proper answerts mind, trot them out. Tell me why you are right and those ISRAELI sources are wrong.

You might even consider the possibility of apologising to me and others for that LIE?

NO! You aren't man enough to admit you are wrong, even when faced with incontrovertible proof!

Don T.