The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #148559   Message #3450220
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
10-Dec-12 - 02:34 PM
Thread Name: BS: Canada's First Nations Rising Up!
Subject: BS: Canada's First Nations Rising Up!
Watch out, World!
Watch out, Harper!

From Dallas Goldtooth:
"For those unaware, our First Nations brothers and sister up north are mobilizing on a national level to say NO MORE, enough is enough. It is a national campaign titled Idle No More.

Enough of seeing our mother earth stripped, raped, and demolished in the name of progress and energy consumption. Enough of this colonial state of being. Enough of this subjugated relationship. Enough of sacrificing our inherent sovereign rights in the face of federal bullying. Enough is enough. And so we stand up, united, on the streets, on the airwaves, on the internet, twitter, blogs, social networks.


Here are two articles that show the reason for this call to action:


I stand in solidarity with my northern relatives. Idle no more. Idle no more."