The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #148559   Message #3450532
Posted By: ollaimh
11-Dec-12 - 12:17 PM
Thread Name: BS: Canada's First Nations Rising Up!
Subject: RE: BS: Canada's First Nations Rising Up!
there are long standing and historic injustices committed against the natives of canada by the colonial state. they are unquestionable. the resodential schools were genocide according to any internationally accepted standard. the chair of the truth and reconcilliation commission has ststed such. this commission is itself deeply flawed and and example of the continuing lack of justice or equality for natives. the major churches continue to withhold documents about their genocidal schools, as does the government.

many years ago one chruch actually tried to sue ubc to destroy its documents. these were essential canadian historical records. luckily the president was one of those science trained people who simply said, we are a university, we preserve knowledge. sue us and be damned. the amazing arrogance to try and sue a university to destroy historical records because they were embarrassing. those ubc records, although not national comoplete, ultimately those ebc records were thre basis of the law suit abpout the residential schools. the fact that the government and church destroyed or withheld records, is the act of a totalitarian colonial state not a democracy. democracy in canada is only for white people. we are getting beter for many groups, and we aren't as bad as the united states where everything is directly or indirectly about race, but natives have been totally left out of the democratic system and have no equality on any issue. yes native groups have internal problams, but that's what happens in every colonial regime.

an uprising would be nice, but it's mostly rhetoric.

and gnu, read a book, you keep posting yopur wierd and uneducasted diatriabes that are completely based on racist ideas. i realize you are too ignorant to understand these things, but the idea that you a white man worked land that no native ever used is one of the main and salient racist tenents of racist states. they all calim that because they used the land differently than the previous residents then there was no one there. this is what white south africans used to say, the natives were nomadic so, presto they weren't really there, and in mointreal when maisioneuve arrived he founf the native village abandoned so he said presto, they abandoned the land for us!!(there had jut been a war between the algonquins and the mohawks). this is repeated world wide. islaelis used to claim that the desert they irrigated was never used by arabs so no one was ever there--again the arabs were nomadic.

well the natives of the maritimes were largely nomadic. to claims thast nomadic people weren't even there, because they don't live like us is the heart and soul of racism.

if you are uneducated and ignorante then ask people who know how thing work. one of the effects of the degeneration of north american culkture is any uneducated and ignorant person thinks their opinion is as good as anyone else's . weel gnu. its not. if you listened to intelligent people it might rub off. if you keep insisting your ignorance is as good as educated and intelligent ideas, then you will stay ignorant all your sad life.