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Thread #148559   Message #3450843
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
12-Dec-12 - 04:58 AM
Thread Name: BS: Canada's First Nations Rising Up!
Subject: RE: BS: Canada's First Nations Rising Up!
Could everyone please hold Chief Theresa Spence close to their hearts today, as she starts her second day of indefinite hunger strike for her People, for Integrity, Honour and for Mother Earth. And may the new 'Idle No More' campaign become a Peaceful Revolution which stretches far beyond Canada's shores as all Loving, Caring People of the World come to stand together at long last to say "ENOUGH!"

"I am willing to die for my People..."

Occupy Canada photo (in Facebook)

For those who do not have Facebook, here is the text which accompanies the photo:

Toronto Protest sign today >THIS IS A 100% FACT

>On December 4th Canada had over 2 million protected lakes, and over 8,500 protected rivers.
On December 5th Canada now has only 97 Protected lakes and 62 protected rivers. (90 per cent of the protected lakes are on 1% rich conservative territory) Thanks to Stephen Harper

Harper's omnibus 'Budget' Bill C-45 that passed Guts Protection of Rivers, Lakes - Conservatives Toss Out 130 Year-Old Navigation Protection Act to Speed Up Pipeline Construction

All References attached below:

"Number of protected waterways are now limited to 3 oceans, 97 lakes, 62 rivers" The 130-year-old Navigable Waters Protection Act protected every waterway in Canada

Fact: "Canada has over 2 million lakes, and over 8,500 rivers"

For those who don't understand how navigation laws effect the environment, Transport Canada's own documents clearly recognize that one of the NWPA's goals is to ensure the "protection of the environment." which can be verified here:

"90 per cent of the lakes that will still be designated as protected are in 1% rich conservative territory -The list of lakes includes those surrounded by wealthy cottagers north of Toronto, in the Muskoka district of the riding held by conservative Tony Clement. Among them is Lake Rosseau, where Hollywood celebrities, business moguls and NHL stars perch on its banks.

Harper's first omnibus budget bill C-38, replaced the entire Environmental Assessment Act in order to "streamline" approval of major oil and gas pipelines. The 2011 budget slashed funding for Environment Canada by over $222 million with cuts specifically to departments dealing with climate change, clean air, waste management and water resources.

First Nations chiefs across Canada disagree with several measures in Bill C-45 , protest and enter house of commons View Photo>>

Ipolitics: First Nations Chiefs take protest to doors of the House to oppose budget bill

"The issue here is with this omnibus legislation that it's going to strip environmental protection of lakes," Angus said after QP, referring to changes to the Navigable Waters Protection Act which remove thousands of lakes and streams from federal protection. "It's basically declaring open season on all parts of Canada, but especially on First Nation territory," Angus added. "No consultation. There's a real frustration. So the desire was for some of the leaders to be able to come in and actually say, wait a minute, how come you're pushing this through, this omnibus legislation, you haven't spoken to us." source:

First Nations chiefs disagree with several measures in Bill C-45

"They are frustrated with what they say is a lack of consultation over measures in the bill. The most contentious changes are those to the Navigable Waters Protection Act, which remove thousands of lakes and streams from federal protection under that law. Opposition parties say that removes environmental oversight of these waterways and the manner in which the law will continue to be applied is haphazard. "Important lakes and rivers in my region are being stripped of protection," said MP Glen Thibeault"

Omnibus bill changes anger water keepers

"Those who monitor waterways in Ottawa and across Ontario are upset changes stated in part two of the federal government's proposed omnibus budget bill do not protect navigable bodies of water in Canada.
Number of protected waterways would be limited to 3 oceans, 97 lakes, 62 rivers."

"Under the new Navigation Protection Act, only 62 rivers and canals, and 97 lakes are deemed worthy of federal protection. That'll leave tens of thousands – over 99% of waterways unprotected. Of Canada's 37 designated Canadian Heritage Rivers, only 10 are now covered. Pipelines and interprovincial power lines are also exempt from the new Act."

"The most contentious changes are those to the Navigable Waters Protection Act, which remove thousands of lakes and streams from federal protection under Omnibus Bill C-45."

It's open season on Canada's waterway - "The Harper Government has decided that blanket protection for all bodies of water in Canada is no longer appropriate"

"Right now the changes to the ( Navigable Waters Protection Act) will only include 97 lakes across our great country that will be protected. That means any proponent of a project that wants to build a dam, a bridge, or even dredge up their front yard if they're on a lakefront property, can do so without actually having to get an environmental assessment. This is a continuation of seeing the Conservatives continue to gut environmental assessments, to continue to gut the protection of wildlife habitats in our natural areas," MP Glenn Thibeault said.

Harper government scraps 3,000 environmental reviews on pipelines and other projects,

The harper government reduced the number of departments and agencies that can do environmental reviews from 40 to just 3 to speed up approvals for projects.."

CBC News: Harper government budget bill erodes waterway protections

"The act now provides a list of federally protected waters — three oceans, 97 lakes and 62 rivers. Any waterway not on the list that could be affected by a dam, pipeline, mine or bridge won't be protected by federal law."

"Proposals for big pipelines and interprovincial power line projects will no longer have to prove they won't damage or destroy navigable waterways in Canada, under changes introduced by the harper government. These big projects are exempt under the new navigation protection act proposed in the harper government's second omnibus budget bill. The new act would replace one of the country's oldest laws, 'the Navigable Waters Protection Act'. It was established in 1882 and said that no one could block, alter or destroy any water deep enough to float a canoe without federal approval."

Harper Tories' changes to Fisheries Act shock oceans advocates
Critics say leaked changes to the Fisheries Act could have "grave and lasting consequences" on Canadian fish and aquatic habitats.

WinnipegFreePress: Scientists across the world lash Harper government for pulling plug on Experimental Lakes Area (ELA)

"Scientists from Harvard University, the Smithsonian Institute, and other research centres are condemning a decision by the Harper government to shut down a world-class freshwater research program. A program called the Experimental Lakes Area, a region of 58 lakes near Kenora, Ont., that scientists have used for groundbreaking experiments, will be scrapped as part of Harper's budget cuts. Scientists are dismayed by the Harper government's move to wind down the Experimental Lakes Area in northwestern Ontario. Those cuts come with 40 layoffs in Winnipeg's regional Fisheries and Oceans Canada office. Many of those who are being laid off are biologists, chemists and other scientists who form the ELA's core." source:

Montreal Gazette: Canadian scientists are being silenced by Harper government -,

Scientists shocked after Harper government assigns IT staff to monitor ozone data

Shared /researched by Derek @Occupy Canada