The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #148559   Message #3450918
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
12-Dec-12 - 08:41 AM
Thread Name: BS: Canada's First Nations Rising Up!
Subject: RE: BS: Canada's First Nations Rising Up!
Bruce...the weirdest thing happened yesterday evening. I was sitting here making a photolink for the 'Idle No More' campaign, taking the photo from the Last Real Indians site, and loading it up with info to put on the Support Chief Raoni page, as I know many Indigenous People from many countries watch the page....

Well, there I sat, looking for information to load ,when all of a sudden this message came to the page, via the PM section. I've removed the person's name..


My name is (name removed for privacy), and I have arrived in Ottawa last night. I am spending time with Chief Theresa Spence, during her hunger strike on Victoria Island. I helped set up the teepee for her strike, and helped make the fire for her. She does not want to talk to the media right now, because she has a very long road ahead. All the help we can get counts. I want to get this message to ever corner of the world. I can fill you in with the play by play of everyday and provide pictures if you wish. As well as direct statements from her, that the media wont get.<<<<

Well, my mouth fell open! I replied IMMEDIATELY and told him what I was doing on the other side of the screen! He couldn't believe it either! :0) Now, we're FB friends and hopefully, later today, on Canadian Time, he'll write and tell me what's going on, so I can get it out on the page...

It seems that many parts of the world are already starting to hear about this story, as well as many parts of Canada too....I've put media links into the Occupy Canada page as well...

As the man who wrote to me last night said "We WILL do this!!"

We will, ALL of us, TOGETHER...

I've also plastered the FB page of Stephen Harper with this story and my comments about him...

God, that man is a fooking plonker!!