The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #148559   Message #3451005
Posted By: GUEST,999
12-Dec-12 - 01:17 PM
Thread Name: BS: Canada's First Nations Rising Up!
Subject: RE: BS: Canada's First Nations Rising Up!
C-45 is the most diabolical piece of legislation in the past 100 years IMO. The effects of it are far reaching and very bad for this country. Any legislation that opens up our water(ways) to pollution with impunity will eventually destroy Canada. I know Liz means well, but not all First Nations people are noble, well-meaning or even honourable, and not all non-Indians are either.

My first teaching job was in Ft Chipewyan, and crap was leaching into the lake even then. The Cree in north Saskatchewan have double the Indian mortality rate of new-borns, and that is higher still than the non-Indian rate. People in Ft Chipewyan are getting ill and gee, no one knows why.

"Uranium and gold mining along the northern shore resulted in the birth of Uranium City, Saskatchewan, which was home to the mine workers and their families. While the last mine closed in the 1980s, the effects of mining operations have heavily contaminated the northern shores."

Arsenic, uranium: hell, time for another government study. We could add that study to the piles of studies on which government has never acted. Bill C-45 is a slap in the face to this country. I hope the bastards that voted for it die screaming.