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Thread #148559   Message #3451016
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
12-Dec-12 - 01:52 PM
Thread Name: BS: Canada's First Nations Rising Up!
Subject: RE: BS: Canada's First Nations Rising Up!
"...As I know from sad experience. Get ready for a river of LizShit."

Sorry to disappoint you, but Bruce is one of the very few people here whose opinions I have a lot of respect for. However, that respect also means that I can disagree with him at times, and he with me, without me taking offence.

"....And as a btw, Chief Spence's hunger strike has to do with drawing attention to the plight of her people, and that also includes bad shit that's in Bill C-45..."

Yes, thank you, I'm aware of that.

I'm also aware there are shitty folks out there amongst the Native Americans too and indeed I was recently reading Leonard Peltier talking about that very subject himself, in a book by Harvey Arden, from a few years back. But, I'll tell you this much, it is the Indigenous people who inspire me at present, Bruce, (the good guys amongst them, that is) for they are starting to shout out in a way that really inspires me.

You said yourself, above, that you don't see many Canadians getting pissed off about this...I see barely any British people, of any colour, being pissed off about anything to do with other people in this country or abroad, or about our planet and what is being done to it. Most folks over here don't give a darn about fracking, which will be coming here shortly if the politicians have their way. Most people here know nothing about it and simply don't want to know. It's as if they've all been sprayed with Apathy Dust.   

At least Chief Spence is highlighting the plight of her people globally now, for word is spreading across the internet. Shaming though, that someone has to threaten to starve themselves to death before the Media (and, perhaps, those in charge) start to take notice. She shouldn't have to do this. The Mapuche shouldn't have to do it. The Guarani-Kiaowa shouldn't have to threaten to fight to the death in order to be allowed to stay on their land, as happened so recently, nor should the Kayapo, but so often they are left with very few options these days.

>>>Don't romanticize it or glorify all Indians because one gal has taken a stand on this.<<<

I'm not. But I have a lot of respect for her and for many Native Americans who are out there fighting with all they have. That's not romanticizing anything.

>>>And please don't make my ancestors look like shit just because they were White.<<<

Hey, mine were white too, you know. Sadly, whether we like it or not, many of those who did bad things here *were* white. It was the Sociopathic ones (of all colours) amongst those who went before who created hell, not just for Native Americans, but for millions of people throughout history in their quest to dominate and control. Sadly, it's still happening to this day but maybe, just maybe we are starting to wake up a little more to this fact...

>>>ALL Canadians should be protesting C-45. Please don't make the Bill just an Indian issue. It isn't.<<<

I agree, but I take you back to your comment above about many Canadians not seeming to be angry enough about what's happening.

We're back to the Apathy Problem which has dominated many countries for way too long. Canada has only joined very recently it seems, for heck, we've been bloody Apathetic for DECADES over here, in fact, it's ingrained into us to not complain or grumble...and it drives me nuts.