The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #148559   Message #3451146
Posted By: gnu
12-Dec-12 - 07:22 PM
Thread Name: BS: Canada's First Nations Rising Up!
Subject: RE: BS: Canada's First Nations Rising Up!
So... I asked "I just wanna ask ollaimh one last question before I take my leave... does the white man in Canada owe compensation to the red man In Canada for every tree the white man ever cut down in Canada? Opps... TWO questions... And, if so, who is gonna write the cheque? I am looking forward to you edifying me and correcting my ignorance on this issue as you so graciously offered to do. Thanks for your time and for your effort in this regard."

I now ask this question of Lizzie and Ed based on their posts. Is that what the treaties say? EVERY tree? I, me, mois, jimmy suis, owe for every tree? Gotta tell youse all... I ain't got that kinda pocket change.

If not, I don't understand why we can't move forward without contention. But, none of that matters right now. Right now, people are in harm's way. Natives are in harms way and so are many of their white brothers. Other posters have acknowledged my assessments of the situation(s). I respect them. Others have posted that they respect them and their positions. But, I get shit upon when I say the same thing before before they even say it. Even called racist. And, like I and others have said on various threads, it ain't just me that gets pissed off about that load of horseshit. Read the posts that some of you say you "respect" while you shit on me and think a bit.

Fact is, you cannot CHANGE the past, but you can change the present and the future. Unfortunately, you severely lessen your chances of changing the present and the future when you talk inane crap. You call me uneducated and ignorant (and racist???) in return when I say you don't understand? Good luck with that. The RICH are laughing all the way to the bank on it. Red, white and blue pinstripe while we ALL, ALL, suffer.

Enough IS enough.
