The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #148617   Message #3452214
Posted By: Stu
15-Dec-12 - 07:08 AM
Thread Name: BS: Shooting tragedies and guns
Subject: RE: BS: Shooting tragedies and guns
It is, imo, contemptibly stupid to believe that gun restrictions will make a difference."

IMO it's contemptibly stupid to defend a status quo that allows twenty innocent kids plus others to be slaughtered. You are never going to be able to weed out everyone who has some sort of mental instability (the desire to own a weapon would count as that in my view), and you are never going to stop the suicide alone in their room, you'll never stop the person in a fit of rage that has blinded them to reason.

You're never going to be able to assess everyone for 'mental instability' (a relative term if ever there was one, and completely meaningless in the real world), and that needs to be accepted as fact, unless you're interested in introducing some sort of apartheid for people who don't meet some arbitrary criteria. Not nice, not practical, not going to happen.

Guns are enablers. They enable people in a variety of ways, and none of them positive. They enable people to kill quickly and from a distance, when they choose. They enable scared and frightened people to believe they are defending themselves or others against the ever-present but invisible threat they perceive to exist 'out there'. They enable the poor sods who corrupt the second amendment in the name of a delusional patriotic ideal that is appallingly self-centred and thoughtless, not the spirit of a militiaman struggling to build a better society for him and his family.

Alongside this is the fact that many people in the US (some of my good friends among them) seem to accept the horrors that come from a country awash with guns; they are becoming dulled to the violence endemic in their society:

"Tragically, it WILL happen whatever form."

Are you fucking kidding? It will if you let it happen, and that statement seems to indicate that you're happy to let that happen. More dead kids? Fuck that. Nutballs? What sort of nutball would make that statement?

I am a Brit who loves the US deeply. I love the friendliness and curiosity of the people, their positive attitude to life and their ability to tackle problems with cheerfulness and determination (not like us whinging Brits). They are a wonderful, diverse and intelligent nation who are heading into a very dark place indeed, and they need to pull back now.

Forget all this "right to bear arms" crap; you're no less a person for not carrying a weapon, in fact it shows a strength and resolution more befitting of your nation, and no-one doubts you would all fight for your country if it was threatened, but that threat is now your own helplessness in the face of this bloodbath.

Ditch the guns. In the end, it is the only way and now is the time.

If this isn't the rubicon, what the fuck is?