The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #148647   Message #3453153
Posted By: mg
17-Dec-12 - 03:12 AM
Thread Name: BS: biological factors in these young men
Subject: BS: biological factors in these young men
I am trying to piece this all together...I think we could all come up with many social forces that are stressing young men out..lack of employment, no father in the family, poverty.

I am wondering if there are further biological factors that are disproportionally affecting young men...I can think of some and might interact with other things, such as drugs, diet etc.

1. Male hormonal system. Very powerful hormones, especially in late adolescence.
2. Diet..especially trans fats combined with high carb. Lack of nourishing fats, replaced with distorted fats. Read up on stuff written by Dr. Mary Enig...she has mentioned sexual dysfunction...wierd stuff, not just lack of resulting from trans fat injestion.
3. Huge male fertility there something in the air, the water..plastics