The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #148649   Message #3453172
Posted By: Dave the Gnome
17-Dec-12 - 03:57 AM
Thread Name: BS: Possible Gnomish Movements...
Subject: BS: Possible Gnomish Movements...
No, not that sort. I have no problems in that area...

The area I do have problems with is the M62 between Manchester where I live and Bradford where I work. Normally about 1.25 hours each way. Down to 55 minutes on bank holidays and, at worse, 5 hours :-( More and more it is getting to be 2 - 2.5 hours and, to be honest, I've had enough. So, the house is under offer and, at last, we have found somewhere we both like and can afford. Not quite in the Yorkshire Dales but near enough. About 3 miles south of Skipton and 17 miles to work. Moving date predicted to be Feb 15. Keeping our fingers and all else crossed that it goes smoothly.

I'll be sad to leave Swinton but I have only been going to the club spasmodically for months now. When you get up at 5:30am a late night at the pub is not really on the cards. Where we are going seems to have a pub with live music as well as countryside and clean air. Hopefuly no gangland shootings either but how do I know what these sheep-farmers get up to...

Anyroads. Wish us luck. I'll keep you posted.
