The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #148633   Message #3453251
Posted By: Raedwulf
17-Dec-12 - 07:43 AM
Thread Name: BS: The Guillotine
Subject: RE: BS: The Guillotine
[i]As it is a view that is rather disturbing to decent people then it betrays a personality disorder.[/i]

Typical. This is why I don' feel it's worth wasting (m)any words on you. Your view is your view. My view is my view. How about you try expressing your view without invariably descending into sneering, condescending ad hominem. I can do it, even though I'm mentally ill (according to you), so how come you can't?

As for decent, how subjective a judgement can you get? Occasionally, people have told me I'm kind. I'm not; I do not do things out of an impulse of sympathy. I do things because I think they need to be done, that they are the right things to do. A lady friend descibed me as decent & honourable. She's quite right.

We probably agree on quite a lot of things, Musket. We disagree over capital punishment. That does not entitle you to belittle & insult. The only effect of that is that you make yourself look a prize jerk. Is that what you really are?