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Thread #148640   Message #3453747
Posted By: Musket
18-Dec-12 - 08:57 AM
Thread Name: 1984 UK Miners Strike discussion (relocated)
Subject: RE: 1984 UK Miners Strike discussion (relocated)
Schweik whatever.

I have no political agenda. I am not a member of any party and consider myself a floating voter who has yet to see the need to float towards the Tories, but in all respects, a floater.

I could blame "Gorballs Mick" or Ken Capstick, but I place the blame of a movement on the leaders. Without the drive and enthusiasm of Scargill to set the agenda towards his political raher than trade union goals, our overtime ban, which was resulting in dwindling stocks of coal, would have forced MacGregor to the table. (Acknowledged by both him and Thatcher afterwards and couldn't believe their luck when we had the flawed ballot when power stations still had ample supplies.) No, Scargill just wished to use us to force a political agenda, on the basis that the population at large wouldn't follow him if he stood for election for Westminster. (He did a few years ago and was humiliated...)

Your weird predications for what the world would have looked like if we had "won" can be summed up as follows;

2012. The pits are all shut, and yesterday's news that Maltby Pit is shutting would not be news because it would have been closed years ago. The (prior to war mongering) successes of New Labour in building sustainable public infrastructure would not have taken off and middle class people in Greece would be scratching their heads wondering what Europe could do about the economic crackpots in London and how much more do they need to bail themselves out??

I love how you call it a stand and waffle on about struggle. Working class and all that tosh?

Thankfully, the 21st century may not be perfect and the divide between rich and poor may not be closing, but today's students, tomorrow's leaders, have at least broken from the shackles of flat cap patronising.

There is no socialist struggle except in your head. We have a social democracy, regardless of the party in power and the will of the media to portray them in old fashioned descriptions.

I'd laugh my head off at you if I weren't so bitter about how my livelihood, community and family were portrayed as a pawn in a ridiculous game by comfortable patronising idiots.

You seem very quick to write glowing shit about miners, but the minute a miner joins in the debate, you seem quick to ridicule him. There's a load of arm chairs over there, go and sit in them with your like minded mates eh? There' a good chap.