The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #148647   Message #3454145
Posted By: GUEST,Eliza
19-Dec-12 - 04:57 AM
Thread Name: BS: biological factors in these young men
Subject: RE: BS: biological factors in these young men
'No father in the family, unemployment, poverty' Have a look at the social conditions in the thirties here in UK. Many young men were under pressure. They left school at fourteen and had few hopes of anything good. But they didn't go about attacking and/or killing people. 'Poverty' nowadays is nothing like 'poverty' then. They were lucky to eat once a day. I blame TV video games, overindulgence with material goods, a sexually and commercially orientated modern society, lack of almost any discipline, alcohol consumption, a 'feral' lifestyle with unlimited freedom ... and so on and so on. These things are a recipe for a disfunctional society. Here in UK, from what I see on Police programmes, the girls are fast catching up with the boys with regard to lack of self-control, drunkeness, disorder and violence.