The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #148643   Message #3455134
Posted By: Songwronger
20-Dec-12 - 10:44 PM
Thread Name: BS: Ban anti-depressant drugs, not guns
Subject: RE: BS: Ban anti-depressant drugs, not guns
But the drugs shouldn't be given to children. Schools have become diagnosis centers which treat youthful ebullience as "mania" and prescribe drugs.

If you folks, as self-possessed adults, want to take drugs, that's your business. Look at Bobert. He self-prescribes marijuana, and in order to get his dosage he supports our Attorney General running guns into Mexico. The guns help keep Bobert's flow of head medicine coming, even though that means thousands have to die each year so he can get high.

But this is about anti-depressants. Some of you seem to think these kids are being prescribed "anti-homicide" medication. Where do you get the idea that they would have killed anyway without the meds?

I found some clippings, from the incident with the man I worked with. He was mild mannered, never expressed any violent ideation. Very compassionate, caring, and then a doctor put him on Anafranil for mild depression. The man later killed and had no memory of it. From the clippings:

"G's body was found twisted grotesquely on his bed which was saturated with blood and vital fluids. The deep, gaping wounds were primarily about the face and neck. Investigators were unable to tell if G had been surprised on the bed or taken there and slain. His eyes had been gouged out. Investigators said a total of seven knives, a pair of scissors and the splintered end of a broken hoe handle were used in stabbing the man. In addition, he was beaten with a large pair of pliers, a hoe and a can of of jalapeno peppers before and apparently long after he was dead."

The killer wasn't able to remember the attack. And this was an adult, in control of his faculties, far past any of the drastic hormonal changes that teens go through. Think of how a kid with that kind of shit in his system would feel. Striking out would be EXPECTED. So why do we let psychiatrists get away with this kind of criminality?