The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #148635   Message #3456118
Posted By: GUEST,Eliza
23-Dec-12 - 07:01 AM
Thread Name: BS: A word that means more than stupid
Subject: RE: BS: A word that means more than stupid
Bert, better still, I could apply the pliers to some part of the designer's anatomy. (And to cap it all, my husband announced the other day that he doesn't really like corned beef!) As for a special Designers Hell, the idea appeals. Designers of hooks-and-eyes on the back of bras, dishwasher doors you trip over, toilet paper rolls that are glued shut, sachets impossible to tear open, brooms whose brush drops off the handle, milk cartons you have to attack with a knife, wheelie bin liners whose perforated tear-lines are invisible, jam jar lids needing the World's Strongest Man to twist.... the list is endless. They could all end up in Hell, obliged to use their idiotic devices for all eternity.