The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #147391   Message #3456376
Posted By: Bill D
23-Dec-12 - 09:23 PM
Thread Name: BS: Alternative to Science??
Subject: RE: BS: Alternative to Science??
"...because we have a prior commitment ,a commitment to materialism."

Pete... that is simply incorrect for almost ALL true scientists. It is a claim which should better be applied to those who "believe" in a religious story!

Those who practice genuine 'science' do so out of a desire to KNOW how the universe works, no matter where continuing study leads. They are continuously updating and rewriting the details.

Contrast this with the viewpoint of: "I don't know exactly how it works, but the Bible says 'God did it', and that's good enough for me!"
People who have a fundamentalist "prior commitment" to the Bible as final authority get trapped into a hobby of nit-picking of scientific data and analysis and using science's own never-ending process against it! This INCLUDES taking words out of context and asserting that because 'some' supposed scientists (usually those who belong to a fundamentalist church) express doubts, that it somehow casts doubt on what 99% of other scientists think!
Cripes, Pete! You could find a few musicians who think *I* am a good musician! Or that Martin Carthy is a bad one!

Remember, Pete... YOU stated way back there that YOU began as more or less an atheist, but were convinced BY fundamentalists to think otherwise. I sure wonder what they 'showed' you as proof.