The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #19722   Message #3456623
Posted By: Joe_F
24-Dec-12 - 02:55 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Jolly Rogues of Lynn
Subject: RE: Origins: Jolly Rogues of Lynn
Part of the nursery rhyme quoted by Ian 12 Mar 03 also appears in the Scottish "Johnnie Lad":

When auld King Arthur ruled this land,
He was a thieving king.
He stole three bolls of barleycorn
To make a white pudding.

And wi you, etc.

The pudding it was unco guid.
'Twas weel mixed in wi plums.
The lumps of suet into it
Were big as baith my thumbs.

That makes more sense: big lumps, not just two lumps. However, the charming detail about the Queen frying the leftovers is missing.