The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #148734   Message #3457660
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
27-Dec-12 - 11:53 AM
Thread Name: UK DVDs on North American laptop computer
Subject: RE: UK DVDs on North American laptop computer
Today I managed to link my Samsung BluRay player that is hardwired to my router to handshake with the computer. Now I can watch video from my main computer in the kitchen on that linked older computer (they're both Win7) or in the living room through the BluRay player. It required downloading a Samsung Share Manager and allowing it to see the files, then setting it to act through the computer, and setting up Windows Media Player to give that device access to the computer.

All of that said, there are (I'll test it later) European DVDs that may be loadable, if not viewable, on US computers but that won't play in DVD players. I can either play them or get a converter program to load other region DVDs and then send them through to the big television in the front room via my router.