The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #148854   Message #3460084
Posted By: LilyFestre
01-Jan-13 - 02:11 PM
Thread Name: Declutter & Health JANUARY 2013 - To Life!
Subject: RE: Declutter & Health JANUARY 2013 - To Life!
After spending the last hour and a half catching up on dishes that have been set aside with our holiday activities, I'm happy to say that my sink is sparkling clean and all dishes are washed. One load in the dishwasher and probably another 2 loads washed and are air drying.

I spent some time working on the area around my kitchen table chair too. I had a bag of Relay for Life stuff there, some of it outdated and so it hit the garbage can. A basket of magazines was sorted out, old ones I no longer want were tossed. The bottom of the basket was cleaned of all dust bunnies and repurposed. Also there is a stand with 5 drawers sitting to the left of my chair. I had all my beading supplies in there but since I haven't been doing much beading, I put all those things in a tote to go in my office....all neatly stored for easy access should the mood strike. I have it now supplied with daily things I need. One drawer with my insulin pens, record chart, pen, extra lancets and strips, glucose monitor; the next drawer is equipped with my Weight Watchers things that I use daily (except the scale which sits on the counter), the next drawer is all needle tips for my insulin pens (this drawer has always held these...there are hundreds of tips floating around in there which makes for easy access when I sit to do my insulin). The fourth drawer has stamps, envelopes, address book,etc and the last drawer is a collection of Weight Watcher items that I use as a reference. I also cleaned the top of this set of drawers off, moved it and cleaned the sides and underneath it. While I was under there, I cleaned under the feet of our pedestal table. :) I took all the framed photos off an antique desk, dusted the entire desk dusted each frame and Windexed the glass on the frames. I am hoping to pick up the toys that Jeremiah missed when he goes down for his nap, dust and vacuum. Perhaps the ornaments will come off the tree too. Maybe not...I really love our tree!

I am not making any resolutions or goals for this year but rather a few very private intentions for myself.

Happy New Year!
