The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #148785   Message #3460213
Posted By: Steve Shaw
01-Jan-13 - 08:21 PM
Thread Name: BS: Secret Royal Veto Powers
Subject: RE: BS: Secret Royal Veto Powers
Well, gnu, she (as I've said already) has at least had the good sense to keep her royal trap shut. But just think back to all those monarchs/dictators/emperors/despots in history past and present who, despite their "pedigree", managed to screw up their countries big-time. Tons of 'em. Even Queen Vic, not to speak of Robert Mugabe. All her "experience and service" has been obtained in a bloody great big insulated bubble of privileged bullshite that has got bugger all to do with the real world outside but plenty to do with travelling to third-world countries in the lap of luxury and waving benignly (trap kept shut) at poor black people once she arrives. There is no evidence that she is not wise, but there's precious little evidence either that she is.