The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #148854   Message #3461205
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
04-Jan-13 - 09:22 AM
Thread Name: Declutter & Health JANUARY 2013 - To Life!
Subject: RE: Declutter & Health JANUARY 2013 - To Life!
Potty training is one of those occasions when if you let the child lead by naming the reward (within reason!), have a calendar on which they can cross of each successful day (that is a reward in itself!) and count up to the number you both determine is appropriate to earn the reward, it is a win-win situation. Both of my kids were pretty easy, I'd say it was 4 to 6 weeks and we had it down.

Burning a few more discs this morning then headed out the door. The snow didn't materialize (!) but I'll make a point after work of heading to Home Depot to buy a load of top soil and leave the bags in the back of the pickup until warm weather is with us again. That helps with stability in slick weather.

Looking forward to the weekend - it's supposed to warm a bit on Sunday so perhaps I can finish some of the clearing of the gardens (the collapsed cannas and finish trimming out the datura and pull up the old eggplant and cut down the asparagus.)

Last night I fixed another batch of the empanadilla filling (I sent some over to my ex on christmas eve) and I'm going to measure and freeze it. I've figured out that if I use 1/4 cup of flour I can make enough dough for two of the meat pies, so I'll freeze this in portions enough to thaw and make them two at a time. I bought the pork, olives, cilantro and capers, but the rest of it, onions, peppers, tomatoes came from my garden. I need to work now to draw down what is in the freezer. Last year I was too slow and had more left than I needed when I started filling it up again.