The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #148889   Message #3461320
Posted By: gnu
04-Jan-13 - 02:33 PM
Thread Name: BS: How Cold Can it Get?
Subject: RE: BS: How Cold Can it Get?
My doc asked me yesterday if I plug my truck in (it was -19). I said that every time the forecast is -12 or lower. He was surprised. I said that as soon as the starter labours due to cold, you should plug it in and the way the new engines (my truck, anyway) are built, that happens at relatively "warm" temps. He said that he worked in northern PQ and he "lost a cylinder" (I assume he blew a rod) when it was -60. I was surprised... WIF doesn't plug in a block heater at

I was impressed when I worked in Goose Bay... receptcles at every parking space on the base (where feasible). Every weehicle had an extension cord plugged into the block heater and the cord was coiled around a side view mirror or hung on the grill.