The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #148895   Message #3462027
Posted By: GUEST,999
06-Jan-13 - 05:20 AM
Thread Name: BS: What does a chicken think about?
Subject: RE: BS: What does a chicken think about?
This talk of chickens reminded me of an English prof I had who found it quite interesting that people hear the same sounds differently.

"What Sounds Do Chickens Make In Other Languages Such as French and German?

A rooster's crow is so distinctive that there isn't much variation between "cock a doodle doo!" (English) and "ku ku ri ku!" (Hebrew), "ko ki ko ko!" (Japanese), and "ku ka rzhi ku!" (Russian).

However, language differences appear when you start talking chicks and hens.

Chicks say "twit twit" in Arabic, "pip pip" in Danish, "plep plep" in German, and "jiap jiap" in Thai.

While to English-speaking listeners hens "cluck cluck," the sound becomes "cot cot cot codet" in French, "gak-gak" in German, "gut gut gudak" in Turkish, "gaggalago" in Icelandic, and "pak pak pak" in Hebrew."


Q: How windy was it?

A: It was so windy that I saw a chicken lay the same egg twice!