The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #148776   Message #3462149
Posted By: Dave the Gnome
06-Jan-13 - 12:29 PM
Thread Name: BS: Get Harper Out - Petition (Canada)
Subject: RE: BS: Get Harper Out - Petition (Canada)
It sort of goes like this, Liz. Someone says something which someone else disagrees with. That first person says, OK, I accept that there are alternate viewpoints but I still believe that I am right. They then go on to re-visit their case, providing proof or evidence of what they feel that their opinion is more valid than the second persons. The second person than says. Hmmm. Maybe you have something and then either modifies or strengthens their viewpoint with evidence of their own. And so it goes unto all avenues have been explored and all is either in agreement or a respectful disagreement is agreed. At least that is what happens with grown up people in what we term our society.

Now, lets look at the alternative. Liz screams that the world is wrong and everyone can fuck off apart from those who agree with her. Someone else, Ed and I at the moment but it could be Folkiedave or Greg F or any one of dozens of others that say, Steady on Liz. We can see what you are on about but we can't agree with the methods.. Surely all that passion and energy can be better utilised to really help the cause. At which point Liz goes ballistic.... You scum of of the earth are nothing but bullies and stalkers. You have no souls you want nothing but to belittle the entire female of the species. Why don't you go back to singing your fucking boring folk songs with your fingers up your arse and leave real people like me alone. Just fuck off. Fuck off and fuck off and understand that I have every rigth to fucking swear, try to fucking belittle you and fucking browbeat everyone to my point of view without sad little fuckers who know fuck all trying to point out the truth.

I do my best to avoid personal attacks but, sorry mod team, there is only so much crap I will take. Now, Liz, if you would only keep your word from umpteen other threads and ignore me without responding to my posts I would be more than happy. Thanks in advance.

:D tG