The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #148776   Message #3462151
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
06-Jan-13 - 12:37 PM
Thread Name: BS: Get Harper Out - Petition (Canada)
Subject: RE: BS: Get Harper Out - Petition (Canada)
"Why not treat other posters - those with different perspectives than you with respect Liz"

Firstly, do NOT call me Liz. Only Bruce has my blessing to do that. Anyone else who does that after I've asked them not to I consider to be smellier than a pile of dog poo...

Secondly, Physician Ed, Heal Thyself.

Bruce, trust me on this one...if you know the right way to use Facebook for the Good, you can get many things rolling. If you connect with like-minded people/groups/movements, then you have a VAST conversation going on. There are many specific group pages now in FB where people invite others they know will be prepared to help and spread the word about certain things. From these pages MUCH is passed around the world.

Sadly, a great many people only use it to discuss what they had for tea last night, and that's fine, I guess, for each to his own, etc...but there's a great deal of wonderful things going on in there now..

As to the jibes, well, I'm being far better than I used to be about biting back, but sometimes, they just need a really good verbal kick up the backside.. ;0) The thing that REALLY gets to me though, is that if *I* were behaving in such a manner in one of *their* threads, they'd be shouting to the rafters about it, messaging all the mods etc...Never could stand Hypocrites and these fellas I put into that category....

They're like Squawking Parrots...and of course, now they'll all be Sqauwking shortly "Liz, Liz...!" just like the jumped-up piles of steaming dog poo which they conjour up in my picture-filled mind.....

Sorry to be unladylike, but I don't give this out in the first instance, I merely respond to some of it. Ed came into this thread purely to have a go at me, as have others, who have NO interest IN this thread at all....Then....*I* end up being called a 'troll' by one of Mudcat's Mods. Cool, huh?

Liz :0) x