The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #148776   Message #3462510
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
07-Jan-13 - 05:15 AM
Thread Name: BS: Get Harper Out - Petition (Canada)
Subject: RE: BS: Get Harper Out - Petition (Canada)
Love you too, Bruce...but yup, I'm afraid I'll stand aside, in fact, a LONG way back, when it comes to loving them.

Ed, baby, YOU started this, not me. Go back and look at your first rude and pedantic post. You don't like what I write? Then DON'T read it. That's surely not hard for a very smart guy to get his around, is it? And with regard to your 'bitch' comment, hey, if you can't take it, then don't dish it out. But you do NOT have the right, in my book, to be so damned rude to me, without me coming back to you on what you have said.

gnu, just try getting yourself a Facebook page and CONNECT to the world. Go on, try it and see. Facebook won't bite you! And you can always walk away from it if it's not your thing. All you need to do is type into the FB search box, at the top of your page, any name of any Movement, Politician, Friend, Business, Media Outlet, Subject, etc. that you wish to find.

New one to me, just been sent it this morning: 'Idle No More' Global Day of Action, Solidarity and Resurgence

Official FB page: Main 'Idle No More' FB page

And this one, which hopefully, FB will soon remove, but it shows the other side of this...

Idle No More Resistance - A page for the Racist Bastards

Another page sent to me this morning: Attawapiskat Chief Theresa Spence Hunger Strike

Of course, you're going to need to be ON Facebook to access those links...but I've put them there just to show you a tiny fraction of what's going on in there at present with regard to the Idle No More movement...