The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #148933   Message #3462773
Posted By: Helen
07-Jan-13 - 03:14 PM
Thread Name: what was going on last night ...
Subject: RE: what was going on last night ...
Hi all,

I'm not sure how the timezones line up, but most of the middle of yesterday (here in East Coast Australia, current time 7.06am) I had a strong feeling of something happening or about to happen too.

Does Richard Feynman have anything to say about the times when premonitions, intuition and that "feeling" are correct? Because I have learned in my life that I can rely on my premonitions a lot. I always double check against the data but it usually gives me a "heads up" about what is currently going on or what may be about to happen, in relation to things or situations which are important to me.

I had a premonition a week before the major earthquake which hit Newcastle, NSW in 1989. I couldn't pinpoint what the problem was but I knew it was going to affect a lot of people in the area. A week later, I was standing in the exact, same spot, waiting to cross the road, and everyone was shell-shocked because the earthquake had hit earlier that morning. We don't get major earthquakes here, only tremors now and then. This one was totally unexpected.
