The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #148776   Message #3463258
Posted By: Ed T
08-Jan-13 - 03:40 PM
Thread Name: BS: Get Harper Out - Petition (Canada)
Subject: RE: BS: Get Harper Out - Petition (Canada)
Here is an interesting perspective in the recent audit of the reserve, where Spence is chief and an editorial separating the Audit from the other issues, not related to Spence.

Commentary on the audit of Attawapiskat spending

Attawapiskat audit is no excuse for denying native grievances: Editorial

On today's news radio reports I have heard a number of perspecties.

One is concern about the desperate conditions and low income on the reserve and the high spending and salaries of the political folks (and associated), led by Spence.

Accusations that the government released the audit because of the hunger strike - though I understand it has been in the works for some time.

Comments that Spence is a master politician, and began the hunger strike as a political move to divert attention to the damaging audit (that she knew was coming), which documents very poor practices under her elected term.

Many comments regarding the lack of financial accountability under Spenc's leadership.

IMO, Spence and her elected political council made a bad mistake in not responding or talking with reporters on this matter-which they should have had knowlede of and prepared for.

IMO, the native movement is wise by steering a wide path from this and the Spence administration, and directly focus strategy for the upcoming meeting and developing a "united voice" long unresolved native social, economic and governance issues.