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Thread #148776   Message #3463674
Posted By: gnu
09-Jan-13 - 03:05 PM
Thread Name: BS: Get Harper Out - Petition (Canada)
Subject: RE: BS: Get Harper Out - Petition (Canada)
Haven't read a lot of the latest post but I will. I just posted on another thread. I wish they could be combined and the title of this thread changed to include "Idle No More". Here is my post on the other thread...

Subject: RE: BS: Native North Americans protest
From:gnu - PM
Date: 09 Jan 13 - 02:54 PM

BTW... been PMg and email back and forth with a nuber of people on this subject and I would like to post something.

The treaties are not being respected by the Canuck government (Cg). The Chinese are listening to the Natives on that issue. They will meet with with the Natives soon to discuss developement of natural resources.

Let that sink in fer a minute... more for some of you, I expect.

Now, her's something else few seem to understand. The Cg, well, Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Canada, pays ROYALTIES on the natural resources to the Natives (the dollars receieved by the Natives are NOT Canuck taxpayer dollars... they are ROYALTIES from resources and are property taxes which are actually RENT under British common law because NOBODY OWNS LAND under British Common Law EXCEPT the Royals and they don't OWN THE RIGHT TO THE LEASE of it in Canada UNLESS they respect the treaties - ya don't pay yer rent, ya lose yer property. It's BRITISH COMMON LAW. Got that?). Now, if the Royals who signed the treaties don't honour those treaties it equals a breach of contract, a breach of the lease agreement, and the Natives can negotiate with the Chinese to have the Chinese delevope resources in return for royalties.

That's it in a nutshell and I can't be arsed to prrof read that either, even tho not proofing my OP landed me in a state of apology early on in this thread.

As I said to one rather pissed off PMer, it's gonna be VERY interestind and actually fun to watch this shit play out. Only one problem will always exist... the whites have guns and they have used them in the past = he who has the gold rules.

I am still waiting for a call from a buddy of mine on the march here in town today. I couldn't go because I had to take Mum to an appointment at 30 minutes before the march.

Oh... one other thing I said in PMs and in emails was... I do not support the red man and I do not support the white man... I support the right man. And for good reasons.