The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #148776   Message #3463963
Posted By: Charmion
10-Jan-13 - 10:54 AM
Thread Name: BS: Get Harper Out - Petition (Canada)
Subject: RE: BS: Get Harper Out - Petition (Canada)
Interesting article, Dabit, although I take issue with the descriptor you chose to characterize Mr Harper's approach to the Attawapiskat issue.

Our Prime Minister can be a real shit when he puts his mind to it, but his smears are not scatological. In fact, his attacks are effective because they carefully target Joe Lunchbox's natural fear for his pocketbook.

Do note the source, however. As an opposition Member of Parliament, the Honourable Carolyn Bennett has a large, toothy dog in this fight. I wonder what her real focus is: the welfare of First Nations communities, or the fortunes of the Liberal Party of Canada?