The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #148776   Message #3464167
Posted By: Ed T
10-Jan-13 - 05:08 PM
Thread Name: BS: Get Harper Out - Petition (Canada)
Subject: RE: BS: Get Harper Out - Petition (Canada)
Charmion, (sorry, someone came to the door and I pressed submit before I completed my post).

Every once and awhile "a great leader" emerges to solve complex issues. Even though folks may try and "make" or "wish" for one today none is present on any side (if there are, or should be, sides) to do that job.

Hopefully, those who are in the discussions,(who comne from a variety of perspectives and pressures) can put aside their "differences", political desires, and "big egos" to work for better lives and futures for the First Nations Peoples - who deserve a much more in such a plentiful Country. Would they wish for less for themselves and their own children?