The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #149149   Message #3469288
Posted By: GUEST,Musket sans cookie
21-Jan-13 - 02:42 AM
Thread Name: BS: What Belief(s) Would You Die For?
Subject: RE: BS: What Belief(s) Would You Die For?

I tend to be concerned when people say they would die for a religious belief. If I understand Padre's post accurately, he would die to support a set of historical stories as being true.   

It begs the question of the circumstances in which dying would be necessary. . Falling out over religion has always seemed rather sad to me, chiefly as the religious aspects have usually been a smokescreen for exerting more temporal powers. The inquisition and crusades being historical examples and jihad being a present day concern.

I wouldn't expect people to die over a change to planning regulations which affect everybody in an area so find it rather disturbing to see otherwise rational people claiming they would die for a metaphysical concept that affects only them and their mates.

The mayhem and mass sorrow caused by suicide bombers being a good example of dying for what you are told is your faith. Me? I'd read the smallprint first just in case my crusade masked a more down to earth agenda. .