The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #149122   Message #3469415
Posted By: Becca72
21-Jan-13 - 09:13 AM
Thread Name: BS: How do you sneeze?
Subject: RE: BS: How do you sneeze?
I have a rather odd sneeze, I guess...not too loud, but sort of stiffled with my mouth closed so it's more "nasal". Stranger yet, my sister sneezes exactly the same way. I once had a woman at work tell me I'd damage my ears if I continued to sneeze that way (after having done it for about 30 years up to that point), to which I replied "what?"

I sneeze frequently, and always into my ELBOW (medical professional). I am allergic to just about everything. I always sneeze at least twice, usually many more times.

I remember growing up when you felt the urge to sneeze and it just wouldn't materialize, my grandmother would tell me to "look into a bright light". Works every time. I looked it up a couple of years ago, and apparently in some people the "sneeze" nerve and the "light sensitive" nerve in our brains are closer together than in other people.